
miércoles, 26 de febrero de 2014

Snow problem! Sir Paul McCartney hones his skiing skills in the French Alps while on holiday with wife Nancy Shevell

He's known for being hugely successful as a singer.
And at the age of 71 Sir Paul McCartney has been perfecting another one of his many talents by taking to the French Alps with a personal instructor to hone his skiing skills.
If you could win prizes for looking like the part then The Beatles singer, who is enjoying a break in Megeve, France, with his wife Nancy Shevell, would become a professional in no time.

Taking to the slopes: Sir Paul McCartney has been perfecting his sking skills in the French Alps
Taking to the slopes: Sir Paul McCartney has been perfecting his sking skills in the French Alps
Paul was pictured looking every inch the esteemed skier in his all-black winter wear as he went for a lesson on Thursday.
He looked in focused mood as he headed onto the snow carrying his ski poles and flanked by his personal instructor, who had skis in hand.
While on the slopes, Paul looked like he had the technique down to a tee as he sped across the snow.
Looking the part: While on the slopes, Paul looked like he had the technique down to a tee as he sped across the snow
Looking the part: While on the slopes, Paul looked like he had the technique down to a tee as he sped across the snow
Despite Paul's new hobby, his wife Nancy, 53, doesn't appear to be quite as keen as her husband to take to the ice.
According to The Sun newspaper, she has been steering clear of the icy conditions by staying in their private lodge when the singer heads out to test his skiing skills.
The skiing trip couldn't have come at a better time for Paul, who has been busy in the US for the past month making a special TV show, The Night That Changed America: A Grammy Salute to The Beatles, to commemorate 50 years since the group first appeared on American television.
Happy holiday: Nancy Shevell is also on holiday with Paul in the Alps but has reportedly preferred to stay in their private lodge rather than hit the slopes
Happy holiday: Nancy Shevell is also on holiday with Paul in the Alps but has reportedly preferred to stay in their private lodge rather than hit the slopes
During the show, Paul and his bandmate Ringo Starr paid tribute to late Beatle John Lennon - who was shot and killed in New York in 1980 - and George Harrison, who died of lung cancer in 2001.
Drummer Ringo 73, told the audience during the programme: 'We were in a band called The Beatles and whenever we play George and John are always with us.'
The show aired on CBS on February 9 and featured performances from the likes of Stevie Wonder, Keith Urban, Katy Perry, John Mayer and Alicia Keys.
Paul's ex-wife, Heather Mills, is a paralympic skiier but was forced to pull out of the 2014 Winter Paralympics because of a leg injury.
Heather - who lost her leg below the knee in a road accident 20 years ago - won a silver medal for skiing in a New Zealand Winter Games slalom event at Coronet Peak in Queenstown in 2013.
Ice time: Paul and Nancy have been enjoying a break in the French Alps
Ice time: Paul and Nancy have been enjoying a break in the French Alps


Problema de la nieve! Sir Paul McCartney pone a punto sus habilidades de esquí en los Alpes franceses, mientras estaba de vacaciones con su esposa Nancy Shevell
Él es conocido por ser un gran éxito como cantante.
Y a la edad de 71 Sir Paul McCartney ha sido el perfeccionamiento de otro de sus muchos talentos mediante la adopción de los Alpes franceses, con un instructor personal para perfeccionar sus habilidades de esquí. 
Si pudieras ganar premios por mirar como la parte A continuación, el cantante de los Beatles, que está disfrutando de un descanso en Megeve, Francia, junto a su esposa Nancy Shevell, se convertiría en un profesional en ningún momento.

Paul fue fotografiado mirando cada centímetro del esquiador estimado en su uso durante todo el invierno negro a su paso para una lección del jueves.
Miró en el estado de ánimo enfocada mientras se dirigía a la nieve llevando sus bastones de esquí y flanqueado por su instructor personal, que tenía esquís en la mano.
Mientras que en las pistas, Paul parecía que tenía la técnica a un tee mientras corría a través de la nieve.

A pesar de la nueva manía de Paul, su esposa Nancy, de 53 años, no parece ser tan aguda como su marido a tomar para el hielo.
De acuerdo con The Sun periódico, ella ha estado dirigiendo clara de las condiciones de hielo por quedarse en su casa de campo privada cuando el cantante se dirige a poner a prueba sus habilidades de esquí.

El viaje de esquí no podría haber llegado en un mejor momento para Paul, quien ha estado muy ocupado en los EE.UU. durante el mes pasado, haciendo un programa de televisión especial, La noche que cambió América: A Grammy Salute to The Beatles, para conmemorar los 50 años desde el grupo apareció por primera vez en la televisión estadounidense.

Durante el show, Paul y su compañero de banda, Ringo Starr rindió homenaje al fallecido Beatle John Lennon - que recibió un disparo y murió en Nueva York en 1980 - y George Harrison, que murió de cáncer de pulmón en 2001.

El baterista Ringo 73, dijo a la audiencia durante el programa: "Estábamos en una banda llamada The Beatles y cuando jugamos George y John siempre con nosotros. '

El show salió al aire en CBS el 09 de febrero y las actuaciones de la talla de Stevie Wonder, Keith Urban, Katy Perry, John Mayer y Alicia Keys apareció.

La ex esposa de Paul, Heather Mills, es un esquiador paralímpico, pero se vio obligado a retirarse de los Juegos Paralímpicos de Invierno de 2014 a causa de una lesión en la pierna.
Heather - que perdió su pierna debajo de la rodilla en un accidente de tráfico hace 20 años - ganó una medalla de plata para el esquí en un evento de slalom Juegos de Invierno Nueva Zelanda en Coronet Peak, en Queenstown en 2013.

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